Aerial photography - Ancient Gallery

is a horizontally polarised Band III array, comprising two stacked
six-element aerials. The phasing and matching arrangement is of
interest. If a half-wave centre-fed dipole has a reflector and
one or more director elements it no longer passes the collected
energy efficiently to 75Ω cable. The usual way of correcting
this is to fold the dipole into a thin loop, but there is another
way, as shown here. If the feeder is connected not across terminals
at the centre of the dipole but to two points some distance from
the centre, a point will be found where the energy passes very
efficiently to the feeder. This is called a ‘delta’
match. In this case we have a sort of ‘double delta match’.
The arrangement serves the dual purpose of combining the outputs
of the two aerials and matching the array to the feeder.
The main reason for stacking two aerials is to improve directivity
and thus reduce ghosting, but that only applies if the arrays
are stacked side by side. A vertically stacked pair like this
will discriminate against signals from below and above so can
be used to reduce aeroplane flutter, or tidal fading if the signal
path is across the sea.
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