Aerial photography - Ancient Gallery

MBM88 was the largest UHF TV aerial made by J Beam. It had 21
four-element director bays and of course the Parabeam
slot dipole and reflector. Two quarter-wave matching stubs, just
in front of the driven element, make the total element count eighty-eight.
The slot dipole had a balun in the junction box. The photograph
shows a stacked pair of MBM88 Group C/D aerials. The MBM series
evolved considerably during its lifetime, and this is a later
example, identifiable by the two-piece reflector. These were well
made aerials, and apart from a corroded boom connector and perished
insulating tape this example has survived quite well at a very
windy location for 30 years. The T piece of the stacking
harness can be seen just above the top of the mast. This installation
was used by a cable TV company (yes, there was cable TV all those
years ago!) to receive an out-of-area ITV channel. The signal
was converted to baseband and went across town to the head-end
on a twisted pair.
Domestic stopped production in the early 1980s, with Blake Aerials
taking over some of the designs.
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