Aerial photography - Ancient Gallery

the pre-ITV days of the early 50s, TV aerials were traditionally
H or X shaped. The brand leader for X
shaped aerials was Antiference, with the Antex. As
mentioned elsewhere this was not a distorted yagi, because the
active element was away from the transmitter. The other three
elements were connected to the coaxial screen. The active element
and the one below it were a few inches longer than the other two,
but all were significantly longer than the equivalent elements
on an H aerial, which was of course a yagi. After
a gale the upper elements were often missing. Replacing them used
to be a bit of a performance, by the way, involving the one-handed
use of hacksaw, oil can, and pliers. When ITV came along in 1956
we had to fit Band III aerials onto the side of all the exes
and aitches. The one in this example is a five element.
A contract type UHF aerial is a later addition, pointing roughly
at right angles to the VHF aerials. The reason is that it is looking
at Bilsdale, which never transmitted VHF TV. The Antex is on Holme
Moss, and the ITV aerial is on Emley Moor. If you can work out
where the picture was taken, let me know! The angle between Emley
Moor and Bilsdale is about 105º, and town is famous for its
provision of bed and ale!
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