Aerial photography - Ancient Gallery

Antiference had the lions share of this market with their
Antex plus five design (as featured elsewhere in this section)
other manufacturers had similar products and some of these were
very successful. The example shown has a conventional Band III
yagi with a folded dipole and an X array for Band
I. The latter is a distorted dipole and reflector, unlike the
Antex. Various methods were used to connect the two
sections, the most common being a linking balanced feeder, with
the junction box on the Band III dipole. Not all designs allowed
independent alignment of the two sections. When UHF transmissions
started they soon gained a reputation for poor reception, and
this photograph shows one reason why. To save time and money the
new UHF aerial was often clamped half way up the existing mast,
even though this often meant that it was low down and close to
the chimney and the elements of the VHF aerial.
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