the scene: a pleasant modern development of forty bungalows for
the elderly. Well-spaced semis, nice community centre, good class
of tenant, friendly atmosphere. Everything, or almost everything,
is just fine at Sunset Gardens. But there’s one little problem.
A problem which, during the three years since the place was built,
has gradually soured the relationship between the tenants and
the housing association until finally - well, let’s eavesdrop
on the warden, talking on the phone to Head Office.
the fact is, Mrs Rabblerouser is organising a rent strike....yes,
I know, but they can’t watch television properly, Mr Watchpenny.
They’re so fed up I think they might just do it this time....Well,
can’t you send a different firm to look at it? These you’ve
been sending are absolutely useless....”
communal TV system is simple and straightforward. There is an
aerial, an amplifier, and an arrangement of trunk cables, tap-off
units, downleads, and outlet plates. The amplifier output is sufficient
for every dwelling to receive a normal signal level. It’s
an area of excellent off-air reception - the transmitter is a
high powered one about ten miles away, and because the ground
slopes gently in that direction the mast can be seen clearly through
most of the living room windows.
Direct signal pick-up
the strong signal that’s the cause of the trouble. In areas
of high field strength, the TV set, and other components, can
pick up signal directly off air. This direct signal can be strong
enough to compete with that from the aerial system. This is pre-echo:
surprisingly common and the cause of a variety of strange faults.
The most obvious symptom is a ghost image. In the case of normal
ghosting the interfering signal arrives after the main signal,
so the shadow is to the right of the main image. But where the
interfering signal is received directly at the TV set it arrives
before the aerial signal (hence the expression pre-echo), so the
shadow is to the left. The shadow can be very strong, resulting
in a double picture, which may pull sideways. Teletext and Nicam
may be garbled. Moving the TV set or its leads even slightly will
have a great effect on reception, because this affects the strength
of the signal which they pick up, and its phase relationship with
the main signal.
the two signals arrive in phase, the secondary image will be positive;
if they arrive out of phase it will be negative. Strong antiphase
signals may cause sync disturbances. Intermediate phase relationships
will produce a weaker secondary image, but often with strongly
delineated edges. This is reminiscent of ordinary ghosting; not
surprisingly, because pre-echo and ghosting are both forms of
multi-path reception.
delay affecting the main signal has two components. The first
stems from the difference between (a) the transmitter to receiving
aerial distance, and (b) the distance from the transmitter to
the point where the unwanted signal enters the system. The latter
is usually located at, or very near to, the TV set. This factor
can either add to or subtract from the total delay, because either
the receive aerial or the TV set might be the nearest to the transmitter.
The second component is the delay within the system itself. This
can only add to the total delay, of course, and moreover it will
always exceed the value of the first component. This is because
the velocity factor of cable is less than unity. In other words,
signal travels slower in co-ax than it does in space. A typical
velocity factor for co-ax is 0.80. In addition, cables rarely
take an absolutely direct path from A to B. So, if you imagine
a system where the aerial is at the very end of the site nearest
to the transmitter, with a trunk cable running more or less directly
back to a straight line of dwellings, there will still be a signal
delay, even though the distance over the ground from transmitter
to TV set is virtually equal along both paths. What this all boils
down to is: of the two images on the screen, the one on the left
is always the direct signal, since the direct signal always gets
there first; and the one on the right is always the signal which
has passed through the system. Either of them can be the strongest,
and appear on the screen as the ‘main’ signal, with
the other as the ‘ghost’, but it must be said that
if the signal from the system is weaker than the direct signal,
then something is seriously wrong.
Sunset Gardens the aerial is in the middle of the site. At the
bungalows nearest to the transmitter the pre-echo is quite unmistakable.
The total delay affecting the main signal is considerable, since
its path is extended across to the aerial and back again. On a
55cm screen the shadow is about 6mm to the left of the main image,
and quite clearly defined. Towards the other side of the site,
just a few bungalows away from the aerial, things aren’t
so clear-cut. Here the pre-echo is hardly visible in its own right,
because the time delay is so small. The two images are virtually
superimposed. There is a lack of definition, garbled teletext,
weak colour, and other symptoms. The effect looks something like
the results of a severe impedance mismatch or cable termination
a high-rise block pre-echo is only likely to be a problem on the
side of the building facing the transmitter. The system delay
is usually short. The outlets are more or less directly below
the receive aerial, so the only delay is in the trunk cable. There
is normally a number of trunks, each dropping straight down via
a vertical stack of outlets. On a ten storey building each trunk
will only be about 40 metres long, with pre-echo less likely in
any case to be visible towards the ends of the trunks, near ground
level. Padded outlets with integral tap-off units are commonly
used, so there is no downlead delay. On the higher floors pre-echo
in high-rise buildings can be savage, with very strong direct
signals and the sort of very short delay factor that wipes out
teletext and horizontal definition. On the top floor the delay
may be so small that the phase relationship results in simple
additive or subtractive effects on signal strength. It is sometimes
possible to take the TV set from a good picture to almost nothing
and back again simply by rolling it half a metre across the carpet,
changing the phase relationship of the two incoming signals. This
effect can result in some very unlikely sounding calls, such as
the recent, “It’s a good picture with the TV facing
my husband, but not with it facing me!”
the normal domestic setting where one aerial feeds one TV set
via one length of coax, pre-echo will not show up because the
aerial signal will always be much stronger – unless the
downlead is damaged. In areas of moderate field strength the fault
would, of course, show up as snowy pictures, but in ‘swamp’
areas the main symptom of a faulty downlead might be picture flutter
when a bus goes past the living room window. There is no secondary
image visible on the screen because the delay is so small, but
reflections from the body of a large moving vehicle may cause
rapid phase variations at the TV set. The same effect can occur
on small domestic distribution systems, if the signal level from
an outlet is much below that which would be obtained direct from
an aerial. If this sounds odd, remember that in strong signal
areas a signal at the TV set 20dB below the aerial output may
give noise-free reception.
at the Ranch
and Roy are two good-natured blokes who rig aerials when the ice
cream round isn’t busy. Roy’s the boss, because it’s
his van. He lives two streets away from Sunset Gardens. Him and
Wyatt have been on hard times just lately, and they couldn’t
believe their luck when the girl at Head Office found their name
in Yellow Pages. Since then the light blue and cream Transit bearing
their handpainted and mis-spelled boast, ‘Earp and Rogers
- Ariel Experts’, has been a frequent visitor to the Gardens.
The Tranny is probably the only aerial rigger’s van in Britain
to have musical chimes. Wyatt and Roy haven’t done a thing
to improve reception at the bungalows. On each visit they have
tinkered ineffectually; they have then submitted their account,
which the dozy fools at Head Office have always paid without question.
one of the first visits Roy was behind a TV set fiddling about
with the aerial flylead. He was intrigued to find that simply
moving the lead affected reception. With the lead in one position
the annoying shadow almost disappeared from BBC-1, but when he
tried the other channels it was worse. After a period of experimentation
which was fruitless both in practical results and in any growth
of his understanding of the phenomenon, he accidentally unplugged
the flylead from the wall plate.
that’s better!” chorused Gerry and Mavis. Gerry put
his other glasses on, squinted at the screen, and pronounced with
all the quavering gravitas of his 83 years, “That’s
the best picture we’ve ever had, young man!”
“Well no, Dad, I don’t think its as good as it was
when we lived on Acacia Avenue” said Mavis.
“Of course not, woman,” snorted Gerry. “I mean
it’s the best we’ve ever had here.” After a
moment’s reflection he added, stating the apparently obvious,
“We’ll never get it as good here as it was on the
The picture was now snowy, but the awful double vision effect
had gone. Disconnected from the delayed signal output of the aerial
system, the TV set was now in receipt only of the weak signal
picked up by the cheap white flylead. Had Roy thought about it,
he could have touched a screwdriver to the end of the flylead,
and standing as he was near the window in full view of a half-megawatt
transmitter, shown Mr and Mrs Attrick a fairly good picture.
But he didn’t think of it. Muttering something about a ‘faulty
booster’ he left the flylead unplugged, and made his escape.
A few days latter the Attricks’ son gave them a set top
aerial. This was a great improvement on anything which had gone
before, but the picture fluttered when traffic passed the bungalow,
which was almost all the time.
to Noise Ratio
a lot of other things in this game, pre-echo comes down in the
end to the relative strength of two competing RF voltages or fields.
The only significant difference between them in this case is their
exact time of arrival. Nevertheless we can think in terms of the
traditional signal to noise ratio, just as we can with conventional
ghosting. We strive to increase the S/N ratio in two ways. Firstly
we cultivate the signal assiduously, giving it every encouragement
to grow big and strong. Secondly we pour weed killer on the ‘noise’,
and let the dog bury his bones amongst its roots, in the hope
that it will wither and die.
the Signal from the System
first aim is the normal requirement of every system: that signal
levels at each outlet are adequate; but where pre-echo is a possibility
this requirement is writ very large. Here, ‘adequate’
does not mean the usual 0 to +6dB/mV. The likely strength of the
direct signal must be taken into account. The degree of pre-echo
will vary from outlet to outlet, because screening from the transmitter
will vary, but there is a useful rule of thumb. It applies in
cases where some or all of the TV sets are screened from the transmitter
only by a few brick walls, or the equivalent, and it assumes that
the flylead, etc., is up to standard, as discussed later. Measure
the signal from a good 18 element aerial mounted with clear line
of sight to the transmitter. If the signal is above 35dB/mV, pre-echo
is probably going to be unavoidable unless channel changers are
used, as described later in this article. Below 35dB/mV you’re
in with a chance, so proceed as follows:
15dB from the reading. This gives the minimum level which should
be available at each outlet, as long as it is above +6dB/mV. As
an example the line-of-sight aerial signal from Emley Moor, 15
miles from the transmitter in the direction of maximum ERP, is
about +27dB/mV. Each outlet, therefore, needs at least +12dB/mV.
This is a lot of signal, but is typical of the levels needed to
overcome pre-echo. On a system of moderate size it can usually
be achieved without too much expense.
System planning is outside the scope of this article, but a brief
word is in order. If the system is new the planning should take
these final output requirements into account, so if you go out
to price up a new job, consider the possibility of pre-echo. If
you have to allow for pre-echo, virtually every component will
be affected: the tap-offs, grades of cable, repeater positioning,
and head-end output. On an existing system where the original
installer has not allowed for the pre-echo problem (a very common
occurrence), the best approach is to consider how signal levels
can be increased sufficiently at minimum cost. The head-end output
levels should be set to a safe maximum (don’t be tempted
to overdo it), although it is unlikely that this will be sufficient
by itself. Wholesale re-planning and re-building is likely to
be expensive, as is the replacement of every tap-off unit. It
is almost inevitable that some tap-off units will have to be changed,
but the careful use of repeater or line-extender amplifiers can
often keep this to a minimum. It is quite likely that the system
planning will be ‘optimistic’, meaning that signal
levels will be low throughout, and especially low at outlets near
the ends of tap-off lines. In such cases the solution may be to
install line-powered repeater amplifiers somewhere along each
tap-off line. It should then be unnecessary to alter the tap-off
values following the repeater. The tap-offs between the head-end
and the repeater—there are likely to be only four or five—can
be exchanged for ones of lower tap value where necessary. The
reduction in signal levels that this will cause further down the
line can be compensated for at the repeater. Repeater gain will
normally be 10 or 20dB. The practical approach is to proceed down
the line from the head-end, checking levels at each tap-off and
fitting new units of lower value where necessary. When the point
is reached where levels on the tap-off line are appropriate, fit
a repeater. Typically, a repeater with 10dB gain would be fitted
at a point where its input would be 25 - 30dB/mV. Repeaters can
be cascaded along the tap-off line, within limits.
the above assumes that the system is in reasonable condition.
If it is hopelessly outdated, or badly installed, then pre-echo
is likely to be just one of many reception faults. The steps necessary
to bring the system up to scratch generally might well cure the
pre-echo without any special consideration of that problem, although
it is always as well to bear pre-echo in mind when selecting components
and planning signal levels.
the Direct Signal
other factor in the S/N ratio is the amount of signal that finds
its way, by whatever route, into the TV set’s tuner without
passing all the way through the aerial system. This must be reduced
as much as possible. Because the amplifier output and trunk cable
are carrying high signal levels, any direct signal pick-up will
normally have no effect. The potential for harmful direct pick-up
starts in the tap-off unit at its downlead terminals. I will deal
with each possible ‘point of entry’ in turn.
tap-off units are likely to be situated where there is relatively
high field strength—in the loft or high up on an outside
wall—they are likely to receive direct signals. If you suspect
the tap-off, move the TV set and the flylead about a bit. If this
has no effect on the phase or intensity of the secondary image,
the tap is probably guilty. The screening of the tap is all-important.
The worst offenders are the plastic cased ones popular about 20
years ago. The metal cased ones with skimpy push-on lids are also
suspect. Those in diecast housings, with a cover which screws
on firmly, are best for outdoor use. An example is the Teleste
CM9000 series. For indoor use the small f-connector taps are excellent,
being 100% screened, although some types do not have power throughpass,
which is essential if line-powered repeaters are in use.
the outer conductor of either the trunk or the downlead is not
making good contact at the tap-off unit, pre-echo will be one
likely symptom. If the lid or cover of the tap-off unit is missing,
pre-echo may occur.
a new system a good quality copper foil wrapped cable such as
Raydex CT100 or Ace QC100 should be used as a matter of course,
pre-echo or not. If a cheap ‘low-loss’ type has been
used on an existing system, it might be worth replacing one or
two downleads with CT100 as an experiment. A downlead cable commonly
installed in the sixties (and often found in use today) had a
foam dielectric and two discrete copper screens separated by insulation.
This sounds good, but unfortunately this cable is very lossy at
UHF. Changing it for CT100 can give as much as a 6dB increase
in signal at the outlet, with proportional easing of any pre-echo
Outlet plate
that the braid is properly connected to the outlet. If not, pre-echo
and other unwanted signal pick-up is likely. Unless the system
carries satellite IF as well as UHF, the wall plate should be
an isolating type. Examination of different makes of isolating
outlet will show that some are better than others, both in terms
of direct signal pick-up and through loss. Both criteria are relevant
to pre-echo avoidance. Avoid outlets with large, untidy, unscreened,
connectors and capacitors. In particular, there is one import
from the Far East that is popping up all over. Although it is
supposed to be a simple straightforward isolated outlet, the PCB
is obviously a multi-purpose design, with a large printed inductor
and various short lengths of track, all connected to the co-axial
inner. The other end of the inductor is not connected to anything.
I’m surprised this item isn’t sold as ‘The outlet
that doesn’t need an aerial’, because in strong reception
areas I think they’d get away with it. To make matters worse
the through loss is awful?? 4 to 10dB, varying with frequency.
The connection to the outlet should be made as neatly as possible,
with the minimum of coaxial inner bared. Some electricians seem
to think that they should separate the braid from the inner, twist
the former into a pigtail, and leave about three inches of unscreened
inner coiled up inside the backbox
was once called out to a system in a large new private house,
which had line of site to the nearby relay transmitter. The electricians
had fitted the outlets, backboxes, and downleads. The local rigger
had installed (or rather slung) a cheap aerial and an amplifier
in the loft. Reception was most peculiar, and it turned out that
the electricians had fitted a make of outlet that has a long inner
terminal that protrudes backwards. In every case this had contacted
the shallow steel backbox, which was receiving quite a good signal.
The signal from the aerial and amplifier wasn’t up to much.
As there was virtually no delay on the signal from the aerial,
the effect was pure phase cancellation: at its worst it was like
a stacked pair of aerials with a null looking at the transmitter.
short leads that link the wallplate, the video, the satellite
receiver, and the TV set, are a prime cause of pre-echo. Quite
often, this is because the braid isn’t connected inside
the plugs. If pre-echo occurs at an outlet where it isn’t
expected, and where there isn’t such an obvious cause, the
first thing is to unplug the aerial lead at the wallplate. Chances
are, there will then be a snowy picture on the screen, or at least
some evidence of a transmission. You can plug the lead back in
and mess about with it, making the pre-echo come and go, but why
bother? You’ll never get it right. Make up new flyleads
using CT100 cable, all-metal plugs, and all-metal line connectors.
Ensure that all plugs and sockets are a tight fit. With everything
re-assembled, but with the flylead still not connected to the
wallplate, there should be nothing but snow on the screen.
you find one of those cheap ready-made flyleads with moulded plugs,
throw it away without hesitation. As we all now know, these are
responsible for a lot of the channel group A patterning problems
associated with satellite receivers. They are also quite remarkably
bad for pre-echo. I have carried out a few simple tests. Standing
in my backyard, where Emley Moor transmitter is visible 20 miles
away, a 2 metre flylead produced around 0dB/mV. This is only about
15dB less than a reference half-wave dipole! The signal from a
CT100 flylead was about -25dB/mV. These figures can only be approximate,
because the signal level jumps about all over the place as the
flylead is moved, but a difference of 25dB is unmistakable! The
figures are the maximum that could be obtained from each flylead.
It made little difference whether the other ends of the leads
were terminated or unterminated. Why these cheap leads pick up
so much signal is a mystery. The way the braid is connected to
the plugs tends to be a bit hit and miss, but replacing the plugs
with properly fitted metal ones seems to reduce the pick-up only
slightly. On the leads I’ve experimented with, the cable
used is of quite reasonable quality. It has a very thin aluminium
foil wrap under the braid. This is 100% screening, so theoretically
there should be minimal pick-up. I wonder if anyone can suggest
how cable of this construction can perform so badly.
an architect’s idea of the best position for a TV set does
not agree with that of the occupier. Long coax cables are the
result, going along two sides of the living room. Take nothing
which disappears under a carpet for granted. These cables often
have joints made with a blunt table knife, and wrapped with sellotape.
The cable might have been extended with 50Ω CB coax, connected
into a beer-sodden 30A joint box. Do you think I’m kidding?
Believe me, I’ve found things under carpets that would make
your hair curl. Before you do anything else, bypass the sub-carpet
enigma with a length of CT100.
approaching a system with the stated aim of curing the pre-echo,
budget for new CT100 flyleads at every dwelling. Replace all the
flyleads, even at dwellings where pre-echo is not visible at the
moment when you call.
occupier’s equipment
TV set with nothing connected to the aerial socket should not
receive RF. If, as a TV distribution system repairer on the track
of pre-echo, you find a set that shows a picture with no aerial
connected, then the problem passes to the occupier’s TV
dealer (sorry, lads!). The communal aerial repairer’s only
course of action is to use another TV set to test reception at
that outlet. This is a nuisance, but the occupier will need a
bit of convincing, and this is a good way to do it. These situations
often arise when someone moves from their own house to sheltered
accommodation. Their TV set will have performed perfectly until
the move. “Now we’ve got double vision and this impudent
scallywag from the council says it’s our telly that’s
and satellite receivers don’t seem to cause pre-echo. Game
switches and plastic splitters do. Where the occupier has fitted
a cheap plug-in splitter at the wallplate, everything that follows
is about 6dB worse off in the pre-echo stakes. In addition, the
splitter itself could be receiving direct signals. In houses with
several bedrooms you might well find a splitter feeding more splitters,
with the signal to the living room TV set 12dB down. The only
thing you can do is to demonstrate the improvement in reception
when the TV set is connected directly to the wallplate, and advise
the occupier accordingly. I usually suggest that they replace
the splitters with a screened distribution amplifier.
causes of pre-echo
I’ve found pre-echo in areas of relatively low field strength,
where it just shouldn’t be a problem. In one case an occupier
had fitted a Labgear indoor aerial and amplifier in the loft,
to receive an alternative ITV. In order to get the signal down
to his living room he had connected the output to the trunk terminals
in the tap-off unit, which was also in the loft. The house was
only six back from the end of the trunk, so the signal level on
the trunk was not high at that point. The alternative ITV came
in a treat, and the silly person wasn’t bothered by the
faint outline on the four normal channels. The neighbours were,
though. To make matters worse, our man had wired his amp into
his immersion heater circuit, which was only switched on during
the evenings. The neighbours had to video the fault before I would
believe them, and even then it took several visits before the
cause of the fault could be pinpointed. I am not normally malicious,
but I made sure that the cause of the problem was clearly stated
on the invoice, in the hope that the tamperer would have the cost
added to his rent.
once had to visit a most unpleasant and aggressive young man,
who was threatening hell and high water if the council didn’t
get rid of the ‘ghosting’ on his living room TV set.
He met me on the street as I got out of the van, shouting about
‘My solicitor’ and ‘My rights’. Like many
of his sort he was well versed in his rights, but not his responsibilities.
There were three very young children in the flat with their mother,
a gormless girl of about 20. The place was filthy and stunk to
high heaven. The children were bawling and screaming, and their
father kept shouting at their mother, “Can’t you make
them bloody shut up?” I felt like taking him on one side
and explaining what had caused them in the first place, but instead
I turned my attention to the TV reception. The VCR supplied signal
to TV sets in the living room and the bedroom, via a taped joint.
For reasons that escape me, the bedroom TV had this feed, plus
its loop aerial, connected into it via a resistive splitter. The
loop was producing enough signal to cause pre-echo on both TV
sets. Choking for breath, I headed for the door, avoiding the
used disposable nappies scattered across the hall floor.
a block of eight flats occupied by elderly people the pre-echo
was horrendous. The two signals were of roughly the same strength.
This was in an area where pre-echo is a major problem. For years
I had been responding to complaints from the surrounding blocks,
and one by one new systems had been installed. But no one from
this block had ever complained, and the original system, installed
primarily for 405-line reception, was still intact. If the pre-echo
was this bad, and it had to be with this antique system, why had
no one ever complained before? It turned out that the door entry
system repairers had been at work. Their intercom and electric
door locking system is connected to the ‘landlord’s’
electricity supply, as is the TV system. They had turned off the
supply when they started work, and turned it on again when they
finished. But when turning it back on they had also turned on
a switch labelled ‘TV system - do not switch off’.
This had, in fact, been switched off for years, with the tenants
happily watching TV on a system with no mains supply! With the
supply off, reception was snowy, but with it on it was unwatchable
because of the pre-echo. It’s my guess that someone had
discovered many years previously that reception was better with
the system off than on. I bet he got paid, as well.
of a different transmitter
with pre-echo, you might be tempted to redirect the system’s
aerial towards a different transmitter, and distribute those signals.
This might seem like a good idea, but actually it isn’t,
and I think I can justifiably say, ‘Don’t do it’.
The implication is that very strong local signals would not be
used, and less strong, less local signals would take their place.
This will cause problems.
is unlikely that the signals from the remote transmitter will
be as reliable as those from the nearby station. Even where the
second-choice transmitter provides good quality reception—unlikely
in an area swamped with signal by the first transmitter—there
are drawbacks. Occupiers will persist in tuning-in the weak signals
from the nearby transmitter, which will still, inevitably, be
present at the outlets.
shifting: the ultimate answer
is an absolutely cast-iron cure for pre-echo. If each incoming
signal is frequency shifted before it is distributed, it won’t
matter how much direct signal gets into the TV set. In locations
of exceptionally high field strength there may be no alternative.
Frequency shifting is quite a large topic, so I will only deal
with it here only in the context of pre-echo.
main disadvantage of frequency shifting is cost. Adding channel
converters to an existing system will cost a minimum of £750,
including labour, for four channels. This figure would pay for
simple direct converters. One notch up the scale of cost and quality
is double conversion, in which the incoming signals are converted
to an IF of 38.9MHz, and then to the final output frequency. An
even more expensive option is to demodulate and then remodulate
each channel. If good quality equipment is used, the cost could
be £3,000 for four channels. These costs would be of little
consequence under some circumstances. For instance, if pre-echo
has been a major problem on a system serving 600 dwellings, a
cost of £5 per dwelling will not raise eyebrows, particularly
if the purchasing authority can be given some sort of understanding
of the technicalities. A more typical set of circumstances, however,
would be as follows:
installer is quoting on a competitive tender basis for the installation
of a system to serve 40 bungalows. He is quoting to an electrical
firm, who have the TV system included in their work. They in turn
are putting a tender together for the main contractor, who is
himself in competition with other builders. No one wants to know
about some weird problem called ‘pre-echo’. If the
installer allows for the cost of channel changers, one thing is
certain: he will not get the job.
finances allow the use of channel changers, the technical problems
must be addressed. The first question concerns the channels to
be used. Because signal attenuation on cable is less at lower
frequencies, use of the lower channels is always an advantage.
Channels carrying other signals of significant strength in the
area should not be used. Where possible a standard set of four
channels should be used. These sets are n, n+3, n+6, n+10, and
n, n+4, n+7, n+10. Channels 34 to 38 should not be used.
channel changers have been installed on a system, the original,
unchanged signals will still be present at each outlet where pre-echo
was previously a problem. Anyone arriving with a TV set to install
will assume, not unreasonably, that he should tune it to the local
transmitter. A glance at the aerial will seem to confirm this.
The tuning may even have been done in advance at the shop. We
are often called out shortly afterwards, to find the TV set carefully
tuned to these weak signals, with the strong, translated signals
ignored. We maintain one system where this has become a serious
problem. Explanatory labels have been stuck to every outlet plate,
with little or no effect. At present I am considering the extreme
measure of adding a ‘spoiler’ signal at the head-end,
which will make it impossible to tune-in the untranslated channels.
Another answer to this problem is for the system to carry both
translated and untranslated channels. The theory is that those
who are offended by the pre-echo can re-tune to the translated
channels, and those who aren’t needn’t bother. The
main disadvantage is that the system must carry eight, rather
than four, channels, which implies extra cost if the head-end
is channelised, or a reduction of output levels if it is broadband.
In any case, it simply isn’t worth the trouble, because
call-outs still arise. Those with pre-echo usually don’t
think to re-tune, even where an explanatory leaflet has been distributed.
all these drawbacks, channel changers are sometimes the only answer.
Typical of installations where frequency shifting had to be used
was a high rise hospital building just half a mile from a 5kW
transmitter. Some wards had floor-to-ceiling glass on the side
facing the transmitter, with the TV set standing just in front
of it. There was nothing wrong with the TVs, the flyleads, or
anything else, but pre-echo was an annoying niggle on an otherwise
excellent system, and eventually something had to be done. Why,
you might reasonably ask, should anything be done? If there’s
so much signal, why not just fit out the whole place with set-top
aerials? In fact, the hospital technicians had fitted set-top
aerials in some of the wards that faced the transmitter, but this
meant that the satellite channels, which were distributed at UHF,
were lost. It isn’t acceptable to have patients and staff
fiddling about behind the TV set changing aerials all the time.
A more serious disadvantage of set-top aerials arose in the wards
that faced away from the transmitter. Here the field strength
was less, but still enough to cause direct signal pick-up. Most
of the direct signal was not, in fact, so direct, having arrived
via a bounce off a nearby tower block. Consequently set-top aerials
were useless because of ghosting. Where responsibility for all
the TV sets on a site rests in one place, incorrect tuning (to
the untranslated channels) is less likely. Patients and nursing
staff are less likely to tamper than people in their own homes.
is often the unexpected problem which spoils an otherwise well
planned and well executed communal TV system. Even when the installer
is aware of the possibility, the constraints of cost and competitive
tendering may lead him to take a chance. Assessing the possibility
of pre-echo is very difficult under these circumstances. I hope
this article will help contractors estimate the likelihood of
pre-echo problems accurately, and thus tender more competitively.
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Pre-echo at high rise installation

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at a high rise development. Nearby buildings can greatly
affect the likelihood of pre-echo at any particular
flat. If a flat is screened from the transmitter by
another building, pre-echo is highly unlikely. Strong
reflections from nearby buildings can cause a sort of
post-pre-echo'! The reflected signal shown entering
the aerial would, of course, give rise to conventional
Pre-echo at bungalow installation

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signal path within the system, from aerial to TV set,
can be surprisingly long: much longer than the across-the-ground
distance might suggest. Where underground cables link
detached or semi-detached dwellings the lengths which
rise up the wall cavities can often double the total
run. This has two consequences for pre-echo: the inter-image
spacing is greater, making the fault more noticeable;
and signal losses are worse than might be expected,
making the secondary image stronger.
At No. 12 Sunset Gardens the secondary image is some
distance from the main image, because the main signal
travels to the aerial and then back to the TV set. The
two delay periods add together.
At No. 20 the two images are quite close, because the
delay is merely the difference between the delay in
space and the delay in the system.
Calculations of signal path extension
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