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Terrestrial TV Reception Original
introduction, September 2000 Channel
congestion The
digital transmitter network Characteristics
of digital reception I think all of us in this trade have been astonished sometimes by the terrible TV reception that some people will endure. But those who now stare uncritically at a horribly snowy analogue TV picture will not be so tolerant of the digital equivalent, which is a small red square on a black background. This denotes ‘no signal’, and even your thickest customers will soon realise that it has little entertainment value. Once the signal slips even a fraction of a dB below the threshold, there is no picture or sound. DTT uses a modulation system that provides a lot of protection against multipath reception – the cause of analogue ghosting. This seems to work very well, and it is often possible to get perfect digital reception in places where the analogue pictures have clearly visible ghost images. This is proving to be a godsend on occasions. It doesn’t get the customer out of buying an expensive aerial, because digital needs good signal levels and won’t tolerate really atrocious multipath. But whereas slight ghosting may well mar the analogue result, the digital pictures will be perfect. Signal
levels Analogue signal strength meters will not give an accurate reading, although installers might be able to learn from experience what reception quality can be expected from a particular reading on their meter. There is, however, no real substitute for a proper digital meter or spectrum analyser. DTT
within the analogue channel group Angus, Darvel, Eitshal, Keelylang Hill, Rosemarkie, Rosneath, Torosay, Brougher Mountain, Limavady, Aberdare, Carmel, Kilvey Hill, Llanddona, Presely, Chatton, Emley Moor, Lancaster, Oliver’s Mount, Pendle Forest, Pontop Pike, Saddleworth, Selkirk, Winter Hill (but not Winter Hill B), Brierley Hill, Bromsgrove, Fenton, Sutton Coldfield, Beacon Hill, Bristol Ilchester Cres., Crystal Palace, Dover, Guildford, Huntshaw Cross, Huntshaw Cross B, Midhurst, Redruth, Salisbury, Stockland Hill, and Whitehawk Hill. (Disregarding analogue Channel 5, Tacolneston and Mendip are Group C/D, and Storeton is Group A for all analogue and digital transmissions). If the customer has really good noise-free analogue reception, all full-power multiplexes should normally be received without difficulty. Since all signals are in the same channel group there shouldn’t be large variations in propagation loss (or ‘path loss’), so the analogue field strength will usually give a good indication of expected digital field strength. Don’t make rash promises on the strength of this, however. In an unfamiliar reception area climb onto the roof and make proper checks with test equipment before you commit yourself. The reason for this caution is that, as already mentioned, the digital radiation pattern from some transmitters does not always correspond to the analogue one. Transmitter
radiation patterns In this situation digital reception might be impossible, even in places very near to the transmitter and with clear line-of-sight to it. Although the digital signal levels might be adequate in absolute terms, the difference in level between them and the analogue channels — possibly as much as 50dB — might be enough to prevent digital reception. If the digital signals are presented to the receiver at useable strength, the analogue ones will cause cross-modulation. The use of a masthead amplifier is out of the question, for the same reason. When all signals are in the same group it is not practicable to use filters to separate the digital and analogue channels. Further from the transmitter, it will simply be impossible to obtain an adequate s/n ratio. If reception from an alternative transmitter is not possible, my only advice is to throw in the towel. Sell them Sky Digital instead! Since the digital and analogue transmissions are, in a sense, competing for bandwidth, perhaps transmitter powers and radiation patterns will be modified as more and more viewers change over to digital. Basic
aerial problems If the analogue reception is really snowy and there is no simple remedy, then the challenge presented by digital is roughly the same as the challenge of obtaining noise-free analogue reception. In areas of low field strength this can involve high gain aerials, masthead amplifiers, and careful aerial positioning. As a rule of thumb look for no less than +3dB/mV (63dB/µV) from the aerial on the analogue channels, to give reliable digital signals when the latter are the usual 20dB down. DTT
outside the analogue channel group
Grouped aerials work very badly on channels outside their intended group. A Group A aerial, for instance, used in the middle of Group B, can be expected to have little or no gain and virtually no useful directional characteristics. The likely outcome is that the new digital customer will ring to say ‘I can only get a few of the channels, but the ones I can get are perfect’. This is because one or two of the multiplexes will be in or near the analogue channel group, with the rest far away. The ‘sudden death’ nature of digital reception means that during the auto-tuning process the multiplexes outside the channel group will yield nothing, and the channel list will consequently be shorter than it should be. If the receiver has previously been installed elsewhere, the dreaded red square signifying ‘no signal’ will appear in place of the missing channels. This will even happen in ‘attenuator country’ – areas of extremely high field strength. The
higher channels There are lots of Group A analogue transmitters with Groups B and C/D digital multiplexes, so the problem will be common. Relevant transmitters are: Craigkelly, Durris, Bressay, Knock More, Rumster Forest, Divis, Belmont, Bilsdale, Caldbeck, Ridge Hill, Sandy Heath, The Wrekin East and West, Caradon Hill, Rowridge, Nottingham, Sheffield, Chesterfield, Idle, Hastings, Fenham, and Lark Stoke. Some of these transmitters also carry ‘out of group’ Channel 5 analogue signals. Cable losses are greater on the higher channels, of course, so a downlead that has been fine for Group A will probably be unacceptably lossy on the top channels. Cables that have taken up moisture will often have almost normal losses on the lower channels, but will lose a massive amount at the top of Group C/D. Change the downlead as a matter of course when fitting a new aerial for digital reception, especially when some multiplexes are on high channels. Use a good quality cable with copper braid over copper foil, such as Raydex CT100 or Ace QC100. For long runs use CT125 or QC125. Ensure that the cable ends are well sealed against moisture, and avoid kinking, twisting, or deforming the cable during installation. Performance
of wideband aerials UHF aerials derive most of their gain and directivity from the fact that they are resonant at the desired frequencies. The lengths of the individual elements are adjusted for resonance, as are the distances between them. The driven element is designed to transfer the collected energy to the feeder most efficiently at the desired frequencies. The wider the bandwidth, the more each factor must be a compromise. Fig 1 (above) shows the forward gain of the grouped and wideband versions of a good quality high gain aerial. It is clear from the graph that where signal strength from a grouped aerial is only just adequate, replacing it with a wideband one is not an option. We have to accept that wideband reception is now unavoidable in many areas – after all, the multiplexes simply couldn’t be fitted in otherwise – but installers need to familiarise themselves with the performance deficit of the various wideband aerials available, compared to the familiar grouped ones. In the early stages of the changeover to digital, the VCR and all the TV sets except the main one will still need good analogue signals. Where the household has an existing distribution system for analogue reception, fed by a large, grouped, high gain aerial, there is no reason at all to alter the arrangement. The digital box can have its own aerial, with a separate cable from the roof. At some locations the best digital and analogue signals will come from different transmitters. Even when all signals come from the same transmitter, separate aerials can in some cases be used to advantage. The Malvern transmitter, for example, requires (ideally) a Gp C/D aerial for analogue, but a Gp B aerial for digital. In a difficult reception area the use of two grouped aerials rather than a single wideband one could make a real difference. If the RF output of the digital box is not used, there will be no complications when a separate aerial is used. If the RF output has to be distributed to all the TV sets, this can be done via a single channel pass filter, or a one-channel combiner, such as the Taylor TCFL1-1CH.
if anyone has an easy, reversible method of disabling the UHF loopthrough
on an OnDigital box, please let me know.
wideband yagi
I’m not going to go too far into the theoretical aspects of the design, but the basic idea is that the dipole length and spacing follows a regular geometrical progression. This ensures a smooth transfer of resonance from one dipole to the next as frequency varies. The range of frequencies covered can be tailored exactly, because it depends simply on the resonant frequencies of the shortest and longest dipoles. The boom also functions as a live transmission line, with the dipoles mounted along its length in alternating phase. The feeder is connected across the high-frequency end of the boom. The gain is more-or-less constant across the design bandwidth, and the array is highly directional. Sounds too good to be true? Well, the downside is the forward gain, which for practical designs covering the UHF TV band is only about 9dBd (dBd = ‘dB referred to a half wave dipole’). If you replace a grouped yagi with a log-periodic expect to lose 3 to 6dB of gain. This might be where you reach for a wideband, low gain, masthead amplifier, as discussed below. The
stacked dipole
The dipoles are stacked one above the other (when mounted for horizontal polarisation), and linked by crossed transmission lines to a central feed point. The spacing of the dipoles and the crossed transmission lines mean that the output from an on-axis signal will be in phase at the feedpoint. This gives the aerial much of its gain and directivity. The double arms of the dipoles make a ‘V’ shape and form the equivalent of a broad ‘butterfly’ dipole, so they have much broader resonance than a straight dipole. Thus the aerial is wideband. These
aerials are available from various manufacturers, and since the basic
design allows considerable modification, the performance varies significantly
from one make to another. In general, however, the gain can be as low
as 8dBd on channel 21, peaking at about 13dBd somewhere around channel
55 or 60. Gain tends to decrease above that point, which is a pity,
because otherwise the response would be well suited to the familiar
wideband situation where the highest channels need the most gain. These
aerials could be useful for Group K reception (Bilsdale, Craigkelly,
Storeton, and Caradon Hill), where all channels are in the range 21
to 49. This is not a high-gain aerial, despite often being used as such, and with quite high wind resistance needs secure mountings when atop a long mast. I’ve never been a great fan of the ‘fireguard’, feeling that they are rather unwieldy for their performance, but I have found them useful when it has been necessary to fit an aerial half way up a wall. When the transmitter direction is roughly at right angles to the wall the installation is very neat, protruding only about 300mm. Tree
trouble During the initial installation the digital receiver might find fewer channels than expected. The spectrum analyser will show that some multiplexes are much weaker than the others. This can be treated in the same way as the equivalent analogue problem. Employ all the usual techniques, but in particular try to find a location for the aerial where there is less tree screening. This is often a lot of trouble, but it will give a more reliable result than simply using big aerials and amplifiers. Attempts to amplify very weak multiplexes will most likely result in cross-modulation, since they could be 50dB below the analogue channels. Get all multiplexes as strong and as even as possible at the aerial terminals before considering amplification. The really annoying tree-screening fault is the ‘occasional deep fade’. The signal level on one or more multiplexes suddenly takes a dive, dropping by ten or twenty dB. This will typically last between one and ten seconds. It might happen once a week, once a night, or once every few minutes. With analogue reception, the customer might not be too concerned, because often all that happens is that the picture becomes snowy for a short while. With digital, the picture freezes or disappears, and this is subjectively much worse. The customer will probably claim that it always happens during ‘the exciting bits’. You might have to take their word for it, because the fault might not manifest itself whilst you are there. The chances are, the signal levels will not be too good even when they are at their best, so a better aerial location and a low gain masthead amp might help. Make the customer understand that this might not be a complete cure, because at times the fluctuating signal might still fall below threshold. Masthead
amplifiers To find the input signal level that drives an amplifier into cross-modulation, subtract the gain from the maximum output. So the vital message is, ‘Keep the gain down!’ The masthead amplifier’s gain should normally be enough to compensate for downlead losses, plus no more than 10dB. High gain masthead amplifiers should only be used when all incoming signals are very low. They can make matters worse if used indiscriminately. The choice of amplifier should take into account noise figures and maximum output capabilities, as well as gain. I nearly always use a Labgear PUM110. This is a wideband amplifier built into a sturdy diecast housing, with a gain figure of 12dB, and a noise figure of 2.5dB. This item has a high maximum output figure, but even so might be in difficulties when digital signals are 40dB or more below the analogue ones. Where
conditions are less extreme, with all signals just slightly low, masthead
amplifiers can often be very useful. When a grouped aerial is replaced
by a wideband one, signal levels from the aerial will inevitably be
lower. If a masthead amp wasn’t in use before, suggesting that
analogue signal levels from the grouped aerial were But when analogue signals from the grouped aerial are in the range –20 to –10dB/mV, it’s a different story. It’s likely that a high gain, grouped, masthead amplifier will already be in use, and if so, tread very carefully. The signal to noise ratio is largely set at the input to the masthead amp., and if the output from the aerial is reduced the s/n ratio will inevitably be worsened. If you do fit a wideband aerial, a high gain wideband masthead amp would be appropriate, but the results could be disappointing. Masthead amplifiers often amplify out-of-band signals that we would otherwise know nothing about. The classic is the UHF communications base station on 450 to 470MHz of the ‘BD to Z Victor One’ variety (note from webmistress: see also ‘TV interference from Tetra, 2003). This frequency is well within the passband of most masthead amps, and a nearby transmitter can easily cause cross-modulation. At the level where the analogue pictures might show only faint patterning, digital reception can be badly affected. A clue might be the intermittent nature of the fault, due to the interfering carrier only being on when in use – although some carriers are on continuously. The cure is a notch filter, fitted in-line before the masthead amplifier. A suitable item is the Taylor TBF4, but this is an indoor unit so some sort of housing is required. A spectrum analyser is necessary to identify the offending signal, and to tune the filter. Distribution
amplifiers There are some really bad distribution amplifiers on the market. One common fault is a severe fall-off of gain above channel 60. Another is very limited maximum output, which can mean that the amplifier produces cross-modulation even with quite modest input levels. This sort of thing just won’t do when the digital signals are carried 20dB below the analogue ones. The distribution of digital and analogue signals together on communal television systems is a large subject, fraught with difficulty. It’s beyond the scope of this article, but I hope to cover it in a later contribution. Separate
processing of digital signals Less costly solutions might include the use of notch filters, bandpass filters, and grouped aerials to attenuate the analogue signals, thus allowing amplification of the digital multiplexes without cross-modulation. Notch filters are usually tunable, and stop one channel. Bandpass filters pass one channel group but attenuate another. A good quality diplexer can be used as a bandpass filter, by connecting one input only and terminating the other with 75O. Co-channel
interference Co-channel on digital, whatever the source, reduces the s/n ratio, and if it reduces it enough will cause the familiar stop-start effect, or even complete loss of reception. Digital on analogue co-channel interference gives a snowy picture, just as if the signal is weak. I’m sure the network planners know what they’re doing, but some of the digital channel allocations do seem a bit perverse. In this part of the world, for instance, Emley Moor and Chesterfield, which have a considerable service area overlap, both use channels 40, 43, 46, and 50. Although the polarisation differs, this causes severe problems in some districts. In the battle against digital co-channel problems, we must employ the familiar weapons used against analogue co-channel interference and ghosting. I mention ghosting, because the problem is fundamentally the same – the presence of an unwanted off-axis signal. Highly directional arrays and very careful aerial positioning are needed. If the aerial has to be wideband, things are that bit more difficult. The use of buildings and topography as a screen against the unwanted signal can work very well. Stacked and phased arrays can be helpful — see my optimistically titled piece ‘Eliminating Ghosts’ (Television Nov 1978). Digital reception brings its own special problem: it is often not possible to assess the result of any work to reduce co-channel interference by simply looking at the TV screen. The work might take the signal from just above threshold to well above threshold – well worthwhile in view of possible propagation fluctuations. The unwanted signal, after all, is likely to have a fairly distant origin, so might vary considerably. But at the time of the alterations to the aerial no improvement will be seen. The job will probably have been undertaken because of a complaint of occasional loss of digital signal. It is, of course, necessary for the s/n noise ratio to comfortably exceed the ‘threshold’ figure, and this applies whether the ‘noise’ is thermal noise or an unwanted signal on the same channel. But the 6dB attenuator test will prove nothing in the case of co-channel interference, because it will reduce the wanted and unwanted signals equally. The fact is, we are going to need sophisticated (read expensive) test equipment, and a lot of (priceless) intuition, as the digital revolution rolls out. Impulse
interference The
finishing touches Set-top
box installation When re-installing a box remove the card first, because its presence seems to cause some boxes to display ‘no channels found’, even though the signal strengths of all channels may be shown as ‘good’. In areas of very high field strength, cross-modulation in the receiver can reduce the number of channels found. Fit an attenuator and try again. The on-screen signal strength display is useful, but cannot tell you when to fit an attenuator because a full-scale reading equates to only about12dB above threshold. Half scale is roughly 3dB above threshold, ‘satisfactory’ is only 1 to 2dB above threshold, and ‘poor’ is just on the threshold. What
happens if a box receives signals from more than one transmitter? A
‘channel list’ is compiled taking signals from both transmitters,
but the channel order seems to be haphazard, necessitating extensive
use of the ‘change channel numbers’ facility. I recently
re-installed a receiver (using ‘store channels’) that had
previously been used on the Emley Moor transmitter. At the new location
all the Bilsdale multiplexes but one were at good strength, whilst all
the Emley Moor signals were poor. The receiver stored BBC-1, BBC-2,
ITV, and Ch4 from Emley Moor on positions 1 to 4, with terrible stop-start
reception. Good reception of these channels from Bilsdale appeared on
positions 8, 16, 34 and 35. Other channels were from either transmitter,
apparently at random. An auto-update didn’t help. To save a lot
of time shuffling channels, temporarily attenuate the incoming signals
so that the receiver only ‘sees’ the strongest transmitter,
and operate ‘save channels’ again. Some IDTVs will not allow RGB operation, which I think is ridiculous. Setting the digital section’s output to RGB has no effect. You might or might not find a SCART socket carrying the output from the digital section. If not, digital channels can only be recorded via the aerial lead, with the consequent inferior picture quality and mono sound. It seems to me that the manufacturers of some ‘budget’ IDTVs have not really taken the word ‘integrated’ seriously, and have simply shoved two pieces of kit into the same case without much thought for the interconnections that the user might require. Set
top box SCART connections RF
interconnections When the first item in the chain is a masthead amplifier things can be worse — much worse — since all the unwanted transmissions and interference picked up by the aerial enter the system at a much higher level. A distribution amplifier is often an additional item at the end of the daisy chain. This method of feeding all the TV sets in the house with the off-air and modulator channels is almost universal, and it is almost universally unsatisfactory. It is not possible to adjust the relative signal levels of the off-air and the modulator channels, and the noise and spurious signals from each item are cumulative. Since the early days of VCRs, loop-through has been the time-honoured way, but times have changed. I will not set up any but the most simple and innocuous daisy chains without warning the customer of the likely problems, since I can’t take the blame for the patterning and noise that might appear as soon as my back is turned. If they want to feed the outputs of the digital box and the VCR all round the house, offer them a proper system with channelpass filters. If they balk at the cost and subsequently suffer poor reception, they can’t blame you! Will
DTT bring in work? So DTT brings in work, and as the changeover from analogue to digital progresses, this will undoubtedly increase. When IDTVs are the norm, lots of people are going to bring them home from the shops, plug them into their knackered old aerial, and then hastily contact their friendly local aerial rigger. As I said at the start, your customers might well be happy with a snowy analogue picture, but not with the digital equivalent — either stop-start pictures or no reception at all. What’s more, successful DTT aerial installations in difficult reception areas need installers with good equipment and knowledge, so DTT should separate the sheep from the goats rather more than has been the case with analogue. |
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