Aerial photography - Ancient Gallery

included this as a reminder of the origins of our industry. In
the 1920s and 1930s firms like Aerialite were selling copper wire,
egg insulators (inset) and everything else needed for the wireless
aerials of the time. Radio sets were relatively insensitive, transmitter
powers were initially very low, and yet everyone craved a wireless
set that would receive as many stations as possible. The answer
was a massive aerial. This usually amounted to getting as much
wire out as possible. Posts were erected on chimneystacks and
at the ends of backyards, with copper wire festooned across the
sky. The wooden post in the picture originally supported a very
long aerial that ran across the main road to the house opposite.
Later when man-made interference became more of problem vertical
steel rods mounted on insulating bushes with screened downleads
came into fashion.
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