Aerial photography - Ancient Gallery

intrigued by this aerial. It appears to be an Antiference 8 element
Band III array, but with a difference. The difference is that
there are two driven elements. The one nearest to the mast looks
very much like the Antiference Trumatch double dipole,
still in use on VHF-FM and DAB aerials. The Trumatch
has greater bandwidth than a conventional folded dipole, incidentally.
The other driven element on this aerial is a simple halfwave dipole,
mounted about a quarterwave back from the Trumatch. The feedpoint
is a conventional Antiference junction box piggybacked onto the
element fixing bolts of this rear dipole. I wonder if this aerial
is designed to reject signals from the rear. Linking bars connects
the two dipoles, and these are not phase crossed. A signal coming
from the front should arrive at the feedpoint with both componentsthat
received on the front dipole and that received on the rear onein
phase, apart from the slight error caused by the velocity factor
of the linking bars. A signal coming from the rear should arrive
with the two components 180° out of phase.
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